Tuesday, March 10, 2009



Since 1990s brain tumor has been the most invasive and life-threatening disease. Victims of brain tumor were considered almost dead. Even , elimination of brain tumor with the present day technology has many drawbacks and risks . Nano robots with their overall dimensions in nanoscale can easily overcome the risks and drawbacks, thus rising the almost dead . So , here we propose a new nanorobot system with a new actuation system using LIGHT TORQUED NANORODS for the accomplishment of an efficient and precise brain tumor surgery .Nan robotics deals with the design, fabrication, communication and programming of Nan robots with dimensions of nanoscale .

This paper begins by discussing nanorobot construction. Scanning probe microscopes (SPMs) provides an effective approach for constructing nanostructures from the bottom up, So we laid an emphasis on nanoparticle manipulation techniques using SPM and AFM techniques. .

This paper's focus then changes to manipulation and controlling of nanorods by applying light torques . We proposed an intelligent actuation system based on these Light torqued nanorods .The actuation mechanism is discussed in depth .

Sensors play a vital role in the function of nanorobot . A new sensing technique for avoiding obstacles is discussed . A new structure is designed for the proposed nanorobot and the design is discussed .

Single nanorobot cannot accomplish the task .Communication and co-ordination among a group of nanorobots is a must .In this paper communication and co-ordination through chemical signals is explained ,efficient programming is a necessary for effective functioning . Program is desined here to destroying of tumor cells .

Through this paper we proposed a new nanorobot system with an intelligent actuation system along with

…………….So on ..........(download any of the following links to get complete paper presentation in word document)


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