Nanotechnology: The Future on a Pin-Tip
The field of molecular electronics or CAEN(Chemically Assembled Electronic Nanotechnology) seeks to perform functions in electronic circuitry, now-a-days performed by semiconductor devices. Nanotechnology will make us healthy and wealthy though not necessarily wise. In a few decades, this emerging manufacturing technology will let us inexpensively arrange atoms and molecules in most of the ways permitted by physical law. It will let us make supercomputers “that fit on the head of a pin” and fleets of medical nanorobots smaller than a human cell able to eliminate cancer, infections, clogged arteries, and even old age. People will look back on this era with the same feelings we have toward medieval times. The progress of technology around the world has already given us more precise, less expensive manufacturing technologies that can make an unprecedented diversity of new products. Nowhere is this more evident than in computer hardware: computational power has increased exponentially while the finest feature sizes have steadily shrunk into the deep submicron range. Extrapolating these remarkably regular trends, it seems clear where we're headed: molecular computers with billions upon billions of molecular switches made by the pound. And if we can arrange atoms into molecular computers, why not a whole range of other molecularly precise products? our understanding of this developing technology is evolving, and will continue to do so, the guidelines will evolve with them--representing our best understanding of how to ensure the safe development of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology’s potential to improve the human condition is staggering: we would be shirking our duty to
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