Friday, May 22, 2009

Nanotechnology .doc ---a revolution


In the paper the points of distinction are:


Line of work

Fabrication of nanoparticles

Want for nanotechnology

Challenges confronting nanotechnology

Its prominence in developing countries

Nanotechnology’s ultimatum


Relevance of nanotechnology in India


The definition most frequently used by government and industry involves structures, devices, and systems having novel properties and functions due to the arrangement of their atoms on the 1 to 100-nanometer scale. Nanotechnology can be seen as an extension of existing sciences into the nanoscale, or as a recasting of existing sciences using a newer, more modern term. Nanotechnology will improve existing

processes and give existing materials new qualities. One of the major advantages is its small size and its goal is to improve our control over how we build things, so that our products can be of the highest quality and while causing the lowest environmental impact. Further it is essential in solving many of the problems facing humanity. Its eminence is relevant in various contemporary fields such as lab on chip technology, tissue engineering, quantum computers, and cosmetics to name a few. Also the next wave of information technology development will be enabled by nano-technologies.

Besides all opportunities, nanotechnology may also possess risks for either humans or the environment. Due to the far-ranging claims that have been


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