Thursday, May 21, 2009

NanoMotors .doc (paper Presentation)

Nanotechnology is a broad term that encompasses many application specific technologies & research into objects that are a nanometer or smaller (Nanometer being one billionth of a meter). Nanotechnology is expected to revolutionize our world much the same way that Airplanes, Televisions & Telecom revolutionized the 20th century.

This paper deals with the nano technology application “rotary motor”, its functional principal, working with block diagram and its applications.

This paper gives the glance of the new applications of the nano technology.

It shows the different types of nano positioning actuators, ultra sonic linear actuators/motors, motorized actuators and


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1 comment:

  1. Valve actuators are really needed for complex tasks in the high power market.If the load requires accurate positioning, the electric actuators as well as the valve actuators has the advantage among others.That is why,to familiarize yourself in this kind of industrial application , knowing how an automation works is a wisely action and will positively keep us in track.
